
Vodafone is available through Halstone, we are a recognized seller within in the U.K.

Approved on Vodafone

Halstone can supply you and your business needs with the Vodafone network, meaning you can get the tariff and network you want with the same friendly customer service and expertise offered by Halstone.

Vodafone – making life easier for UK businesses

Vodafone’s new Business Plan is just one of the many ways they’re helping businesses communicate and work more efficiently.

  • Vodafone Business makes it easier to adapt as your business builds
  • Vodafone Business New single user plan
  • It includes competitive plans for the individual user and for shared plans across a team
  • Predictable call costs with free calls between Vodafone phones on Single and between sharers on Sharer, free Voicemail, 2GB Wi-Fi and inclusive landline calls on sharer
  • Roaming data, roaming texts and international minutes now included in plans if opting into Euro Traveller